Certificate-based selection

Universities of applied sciences may admit students by means of certificate-based selection based on matriculation examination and vocational upper secondary qualification (completed after 1 August 2015). Those applying with a matriculation examination (Finnish or EB, IB and RP/DIA diploma) or vocational upper secondary qualification have a specific study place quota which varies between study programmes available for application.

All universities of applied sciences comply with the scoring models and principles of certificate-based selection. In certificate-based selection, the university of applied sciences may independently determine the lowest score limit or the threshold criteria.

Scoring of the Finnish matriculation examination (table 1)

  • In certificate-based selection, five subjects are scored.
    • The scored subjects are:
      • Native language (Finnish, Swedish, Sámi, Finnish as the second language or Swedish as the second language)
      • Mathematics
      • Foreign/second national language
      • Two humanities and natural sciences subjects/foreign languages (second national language is not applicable here)
    • All scored subjects are taken into account only once.
    • The best combination of graded subjects to the applicant is taken into account.
    • In humanities and natural sciences subjects, only tests taken in 2006 and after that are taken into account. The second national language cannot be taken into account here. If you have completed several foreign languages with high grades, you can use two of them in the Two humanities and natural sciences subjects/foreign languages section.
  • A maximum number of scored subjects is five but you can also be selected on the basis of four subjects.
  • The maximum score of a matriculation exam in certificate-based selection of universities of applied sciences is 198.
  • You can use the certificate-based selection score counter to count your score for certificate-based selection (only in Finnish).

Scoring model of the Finnish matriculation examination

In certificate-based selection, five subjects are scored. All scored subjects are taken into account only once.
The best combination of scored subjects to the applicant is taken into account.

Maximum score is 198 points.

Table 1. Scoring model of the Finnish matriculation examination

Subject Subject / Level L E M C B A
Native language 1) - 46 41 34 26 18 10
Mathematics Advanced syllabus 46 43 40 35 27 19
Mathematics Basic syllabus 40 35 27 19 13 6
Foreign / second national language Advanced syllabus 46 41 34 26 18 10
Foreign / second national language Medium syllabus 38 34 26 18 12 5
Foreign / second national language Basic syllabus 30 27 21 15 9 3
Humanities or natural sciences subject or foreign language2) Physics 30 27 21 15 9 3
Humanities or natural sciences subject or foreign language Chemistry 30 27 21 15 9 3
Humanities or natural sciences subject or foreign language Biology 30 27 21 15 9 3
Humanities or natural sciences subject or foreign language Geography 30 27 21 15 9 3
Humanities or natural sciences subject or foreign language Health education 30 27 21 15 9 3
Humanities or natural sciences subject or foreign language Psychology 30 27 21 15 9 3
Humanities or natural sciences subject or foreign language Philosophy 30 27 21 15 9 3
Humanities or natural sciences subject or foreign language History 30 27 21 15 9 3
Humanities or natural sciences subject or foreign language Social Studies 30 27 21 15 9 3
Humanities or natural sciences subject or foreign language Religion / Ethics 30 27 21 15 9 3
Humanities or natural sciences subject or foreign language Foreign language (advanced / medium / basic)3) 30 27 21 15 9 3
1 Native language can be Finnish, Swedish, Sámi, Finnish as the second language or Swedish as the second language.
2 The two best scoring grades are taken into account.
3 Foreign language (advanced syllabus) or foreign language (basic syllabus) but not the second national language.

L = Laudatur, E = Eximia cum laude approbatur, M = Magna cum laude approbatur, C = Cum laude approbatur, B = Lubenter approbatur, A = Approbatur

Equal score rules

If two or more applicants share the same total score, the rank order of applicants is resolved according to the following equal score rules:

  1. Order of preferred study programmes

  2. Matriculation examination grades:
    I. Native language
    II. Mathematics
    III. Foreign language/second national language

    If, for example, two applicants have received 100 points each and they both have the same order of preferred study programmes, the applicant with the better grade in native language will be selected. If both applicants have the same grade in native language, the second subject on the list is taken into consideration.

  3. Overfilling/underfilling/drawing lots
    If the previous criteria cannot draw the line between applicants with equal score, the university of applied sciences may select all applicants with equal score or none of them, or the system may draw lots for selecting the student/students. The universities of applied sciences have determined in their selection criteria their procedure for overfilling/underfilling/drawing lots.

Minimum score

  • The study programme available for application may have a set minimum score, meaning the minimum total score of the sum of scored subjects that the applicant has to reach in order to be selected.
  • Please check the possible minimum score in the table of study programmes available for application using certificate-based selection.

Threshold criteria

  • The study programme available for application may have a set threshold criterion, meaning that a certain subject and/or grade has a criterion the applicant has to meet in order to be selected.
    • For example, a criterion for Mathematics advanced syllabus C/basic syllabus E means that every applicant has to meet the set criterion in order to be selected to the study programme on the basis of the applicant’s certificate, regardless of the total score.
  • Please check the possible threshold criteria in the table of study programmes available for application using certificate-based selection.

Scoring of international matriculation examinations (tables 2–4)

European Baccalaureate diploma (EB), International Baccalaureate diploma (IB), Reifeprüfung (RP) diploma or Deutsche Internationale Abitur (DIA) diploma completed in Finland are scored similarly to the Finnish matriculation examination in certificate-based selection. You can use the certificate-based selection score counter to count your score for certificate-based selection (only in Finnish).

Scoring models for international matriculation examinations

Table 2. European Baccalaureate (EB) diploma scoring model.

Maximum score is 198 points.

You may receive points for all subjects in which you have completed tests in writing and/or orally.

EN taulukko EB

Aine Tutkinto Taso/aine Arvosana
Matriculation examination L E M C B A
EB, applicants graduated in 2021 and after 9-10 8-8,99 7-7,99 6-6,99 5,5-5,99 5-5,49
EB, applicants graduated in 2020 and before 9-10 8-8,99 7-7,99 6-6,99 5-5,99 4-4,99
Native language Matriculation examination Finnish, Swedish, Sámi, Finnish/Swedish as the second language 46 41 34 26 18 10
Mathematics Matriculation examination Advanced Advanced syllabus 46 43 40 35 27 19
EB Advanced syllabus
Matriculation examination Basic Basic syllabus 40 35 27 19 13 6
EB Basic syllabus
Foreign/second national language Matriculation examination Advanced Advanced syllabus 46 41 34 26 18 10
EB L2, Other National Language
Matriculation examination Basic Basic syllabus 38 34 26 18 12 5
Matriculation examination Basic Basic syllabus 30 27 21 15 9 3
EB L4, L5
Humanities, natural sciences or foreign language 1) Matriculation examination, EB Physics 30 27 21 15 9 3
Matriculation examination, EB Chemistry 30 27 21 15 9 3
Matriculation examination, EB Biology 30 27 21 15 9 3
Matriculation examination, EB Geography 30 27 21 15 9 3
Matriculation examination, EB Psychology 30 27 21 15 9 3
Matriculation examination, EB Philosophy 30 27 21 15 9 3
Matriculation examination, EB History 30 27 21 15 9 3
EB Other humanities/natural sciences 2) 30 27 21 15 9 3
Matriculation examination Advanced / Medium / Basic Foreign language 30 27 21 15 9 3
EB L2, L3, L4, L5, Other National Language
1 The two best scoring grades are taken into account.
2 Other subjects included in the diploma (e.g. ICT, business, economics).

L = Laudatur, E = Eximia cum laude approbatur, M = Magna cum laude approbatur, ​C = Cum laude approbatur,
B = Lubenter approbatur, A = Approbatur​

L1 = language 1, L2 = language 2, L3 = language 3, L4 = language 4, L5 = language 5​

Table 3. International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma scoring model.

Maximum score is 198 points.

EN taulukko IB

Aine Tutkinto Taso/aine Arvosana
Matriculation examination L E M C B A
IB 7 6 5 4 3 2
Native language Matriculation examination Finnish, Swedish, Sámi, Finnish/Swedish as the second language 46 41 34 26 18 10
IB A language
Mathematics Matriculation examination Advanced Advanced syllabus 46 43 40 35 27 19
IB Mathematics: Analysis and approaches HL,
Mathematics: Applications and interpretation HL,
Mathematics: Analysis and approaches SL,
Further Mathematics,
Mathematics HL,
Mathematics SL,
Mathematical methods
Matriculation examination Basic Basic syllabus 40 35 27 19 13 6
IB Mathematics: Applications and interpretation SL,
Mathematical Studies
Foreign/second national language Matriculation examination Advanced Advanced syllabus 46 41 34 26 18 10
IB A language (not same as native language), B language
Matriculation examination Basic Basic syllabus 30 27 21 15 9 3
IB AB language
Humanities, natural sciences or foreign language 1) Matriculation examination, IB Physics 30 27 21 15 9 3
Matriculation examination, IB Chemistry 30 27 21 15 9 3
Matriculation examination, IB Biology 30 27 21 15 9 3
Matriculation examination, IB Geography 30 27 21 15 9 3
Matriculation examination, IB Psychology 30 27 21 15 9 3
Matriculation examination, IB Philosophy 30 27 21 15 9 3
Matriculation examination, IB History 30 27 21 15 9 3
IB Other humanities/natural sciences 2) 30 27 21 15 9 3
Matriculation examination Advanced Foreign language 30 27 21 15 9 3
IB A language (not same as native language), B language
Matriculation examination Basic Foreign language 30 27 21 15 9 3
IB AB language
1 The two best scoring grades are taken into account.
2 Other subjects included in the diploma from the groups Individuals and societies, Sciences, and Arts (https://ibo.org/programmes/diploma-programme/curriculum/)

L = Laudatur, E = Eximia cum laude approbatur, M = Magna cum laude approbatur, C = Cum laude approbatur,
B = Lubenter approbatur, A = Approbatur

AB = ab initio language (started in upper secondary school)

Table 4. Reifeprüfung (RP) / Deutsche Internationale Abitur (DIA) diploma scoring model.

Maximum score is 198 points.

For the Reifeprüfung (RP) / Deutsche Internationale Abitur (DIA), the first subjects to be taken into account are the subjects in which the student has passed the final examination at a German school.

In addition, the following separate tests of the matriculation examination can be taken into account *:
  • Swedish as a second national language (advanced or medium syllabus)
  • Finnish as a second language and literature
Valid from the joint application in spring 2025.

EN taulukko

Subject Diploma Level/Subject Grade
Matriculation examination L E M C B A
RP/DIA 13-15 10-12 8-9 7 5-6 4
Native language 1) Matriculation examination Finnish, Swedish, Sámi, Finnish/Swedish as the second language 46 41 34 26 18 10
RP/DIA Finnish or German
Matematiikka Matriculation examination Advanced Advanced syllabus Mathematics 46 43 40 35 27 19
RP/DIA 2) Mathematics
Foreign / second national language Matriculation examination Advanced Advanced syllabus foreign language 46 41 34 26 18 10
RP/DIA Finnish or German (not the same as native language), English
Matriculation examination Medium Medium syllabus foreign language 38 34 26 18 12 5
RP/DIA B1 language
Matriculation examination Basic Basic syllabus foreign language 30 27 21 15 9 3
RP/DIA B2 or B3 language
Humanities, natural sciences or foreign language 3) Matriculation examination, RP/DIA Physics 30 27 21 15 9 3
Matriculation examination, RP/DIA Chemistry 30 27 21 15 9 3
Matriculation examination, RP/DIA Biology 30 27 21 15 9 3
Matriculation examination, DIA Geography 30 27 21 15 9 3
Matriculation examination, DIA Philosophy 30 27 21 15 9 3
Matriculation examination, RP/DIA History 30 27 21 15 9 3
Matriculation examination, DIA Religion/Ethics 30 27 21 15 9 3
DIA Other humanities or natural sciences subjects 4) 30 27 21 15 9 3
Matriculation examination Advanced Foreign language 30 27 21 15 9 3
RP/DIA Finnish or German (not the same as native language), English
Matriculation examination Basic Foreign language 30 27 21 15 9 3
RP/DIA B2 or B3 language
1 If an applicant has passed several mother tongue and literature tests, only the test with the highest score will be taken into account, according to the scoring system for mother tongue and literature. 
2 For the Reifeprüfung (RP) / Deutsche Internationale Abitur (DIA), the mathematics grade may also be taken into account in the equivalence certificate if no oral or written test has been taken in this subject. 
3 The two best scoring grades are taken into account. 
4 Other subjects included in the diploma (e.g. ICT, business, economics). 

* If, after taking into account the grades of the German school-leaving examination and the separate tests of for the Reifeprüfung / Deutsche Internationale Abitur (Swedish as a second national language, Finnish as a second language and literature), the number of subjects to be graded is less than five, the grade in any foreign language or subject (except physical education, music or visual arts) may be taken into account in the equivalence certificate.

L = Laudatur, E = Eximia cum laude approbatur, M = Magna cum laude approbatur, C = Cum laude approbatur,
B = Lubenter approbatur, A = Approbatur

Equal score rules

If two or more applicants share the same total score, the rank order of applicants is resolved according to the following equal score rules:

  1. Order of preferred study programmes

  2. Matriculation examination grades:
    I. Native language
    II. Mathematics
    III. Foreign language/second national language

    If, for example, two applicants have received 100 points and they both have the same order of preferred study programmes, the applicant with the better grade in native language will be selected. If both applicants have the same grade in native language, the second subject on the list is taken into consideration.

  3. Overfilling/underfilling/drawing lots
    If the previous criteria cannot draw the line between applicants with equal score, the university of applied sciences may select all applicants with equal score or none of them, or the system may draw lots for selecting the student/students. The universities of applied sciences have determined in their selection criteria their procedure for overfilling/underfilling/drawing lots.

Minimum score

  • The study programme available for application may have a set minimum score, meaning the minimum total score of the sum of scored subjects that the applicant has to reach in order to be selected.
  • Please check the possible minimum score in the table of study programmes available for application using certificate-based selection.

Threshold criteria

  • The study programme available for application may have a set threshold criterion, meaning that a certain subject and/or grade has a criterion the applicant has to meet in order to be selected.
    • For example, a criterion for Mathematics advanced syllabus C/basic syllabus E means that every applicant has to meet the set criterion in order to be selected to the study programme on the basis of the applicant’s certificate, regardless of the total score.
  • Please check the possible threshold criteria in the table of study programmes available for application using certificate-based selection.

Scoring of vocational upper secondary qualification (tables 5–6)

  • Vocational upper secondary qualifications completed after 1.8.2015 are taken into account in certificate-based selection. NB: Competence-based qualifications are not taken into account in certificate-based selection.
  • In certificate-based selection, grades of the three common units are considered (table 5) and the weighted average of the qualification (table 6).
    • When calculating the weighted average of the vocational upper secondary qualification of applicants graduated before 1.1.2018, the extent is considered equal to the extent of the applicant’s individual qualification, e.g. 190 competence points. The numerical grades are integrated into the average, weighted by the number of competence points.
  • In certificate-based selection of universities of applied sciences, the vocational upper secondary qualification can generate a maximum of 150 points.
  • Applicants graduated between 1.8.2015 – 31.12.2016 shall report, on the joint application procedure application form, the grades of the common units of the vocational upper secondary qualification, and the qualification’s weighted average. The applicant shall also attach a copy of the qualification to the application.

    Guidelines for calculating weighted average

    If you have completed a vocational upper secondary qualification between 1.8.2015 – 31.12.2016, you can calculate your qualification’s weighted average by following the guidelines below.If you have completed your vocational upper secondary qualification in 2017 or after that, certificate-based selection is conducted on the basis of information stored in KOSKI service.

    Esimerkkinä 180 osaamispisteen (osp) laajuisen perustutkinnon painotettu keskiarvo:

    in calculating the weighted average of a vocational upper secondary qualification, the extent is determined by the extent of the individual qualification of the student. The grade of every numerically assessed course is multiplied by the number of its competence points. This calculation is made for each numerical assessment in the completed qualification:
    • Basic competence in electrical and automation technology, 45 competence points, grade 3:
      • 45 x 3 = 135
    • Electrical and automation installations, 30 competence points, grade 2:
      • 30 x 2 = 60
    • General cargo automation, 30 competence points, grade 2:
      • 30 x 2 = 60
    • Industrial electrical and automation installations, 30 competence points, grade 2:
      • 30 x 2 = 60
    • Communication and interaction competence, 11 competence points, grade 3:
      • 11 x 3 = 33
    • Skills in mathematics and natural sciences, 9 competence points, grade 2:
      • 9 x 2 = 18
    • Citizenship and working life competence, 8 competence points, grade 2:
      • 8 x 2 = 16
    • Social and cultural competence, 9 competence points, grade 2:
      • 9 x 2 = 18
    • Traffic education, 2 competence points, assessment ’pass’:
      • not included in the average as the course has not been numerically assessed.
    • Own field practical course, 6 competence points, assessment ’pass’:
      • not included in the average as the course has not been numerically assessed.
    • Basics for indoor conduit installation, 3 competence points, assessment ’pass’:
      • not included in the average as the course has not been numerically assessed.
    If studies include courses which are assessed pass/fail, they will not be converted to grades nor considered in calculating the weighted average. Elective studies, if assessed numerically, are taken into account when calculating the weighted average.

    The weighted grades are counted together:
    • 135 + 60+ 60 + 60 + 33 + 18 + 16 + 18 = 400
    The sum is then divided by the extent of the numerically assessed studies (172 competence points) producing the weighted average:
    • 400 / 172 competence points = 2,33
  • Certificate-based selection of vocational upper secondary qualifications of the year 2017 and later is conducted on the basis of data in KOSKI service.
  • Applicants graduating in 2025 are included in certificate-based selection provided that their study records and the confirmation date of their qualification are stored in the KOSKI service by 13.5.2025. Study records include:
    • Grades for partial completions of courses
    • Weighted average of vocational upper secondary qualification
    • Confirmation of full completion of vocational upper secondary qualification
    • If the confirmation information is not stored in KOSKI service by 13.5.2025, the applicant is not included in certificate-based selection.
    • If the student’s competence demonstration is scheduled after 13.5.2025, the applicant is not included in certificate-based selection.
  • If the applicant completes vocational upper secondary qualification in Åland in 2025, he or she has to upload the qualification to Studyinfo by 12.5.2025 at 15:00 (including information on final partial completions of courses, the weighted average, and confirmation of completion of vocational upper secondary qualification) in order to be included in certificate-based selection. If the qualification is not submitted by 12.5.2025 the applicant can only be selected on the basis of UAS entrance exam.
  • For the time being, raised grades in vocational upper secondary qualifications cannot be taken into account in certificate-based selection.
  • As of the second joint application in spring 2025, initial vocational qualifications obtained with partially or fully adjusted grades will not be taken into account in the certificate-based selection based on vocational qualifications.
  • You can use the certificate-based selection score counter to count your score for certificate-based selection (only in Finnish).

Vocational upper secondary qualification scoring model

Table 5. Common units in vocational upper secondary qualification (maximum score 60 points).

EN taulukko

Common units in qualification Points
Communication and interaction competence1) 20 15 13 10 5 2 1
Skills in mathematics and natural sciences1) 20 15 13 10 5 2 1
Citizenship and working life competence1) 20 15 13 10 5 2 1
Grading scale Grade in qualification
Scale 1-3 3 - 2 - - 1 -
Scale 1-5 5 4 - 3 2 - 1
1) In vocational upper secondary qualifications entered into force on 1.8.2018, common units are assessed by the scale ’pass/fail’. The modules of common units are assessed numerically. Grades of the common units are calculated on the basis of the grades of modules constituting the common units.

Table 6. Weighted average of vocational upper secondary qualification (maximum score 90 points).

EN taulukko

Grading scale (1-5) Grading scale (1-3) Points
5,00 3,00 90
≥4,97 ≥2,98 89
≥4,94 ≥2,96 88
≥4,91 ≥2,95 87
≥4,88 ≥2,93 86
≥4,85 ≥2,91 85
≥4,82 ≥2,89 84
≥4,79 ≥2,87 83
≥4,76 ≥2,86 82
≥4,73 ≥2,84 81
≥4,70 ≥2,82 80
≥4,67 ≥2,80 79
≥4,64 ≥2,78 78
≥4,61 ≥2,77 77
≥4,58 ≥2,75 76
≥4,55 ≥2,73 75
≥4,52 ≥2,71 74
≥4,49 ≥2,69 73
≥4,46 ≥2,67 72
≥4,42 ≥2,65 71
≥4,39 ≥2,63 70
≥4,35 ≥2,61 69
≥4,31 ≥2,59 68
≥4,28 ≥2,56 67
≥4,24 ≥2,54 66
≥4,20 ≥2,52 65
≥4,16 ≥2,50 64
≥4,13 ≥2,48 63
≥4,09 ≥2,45 62
≥4,05 ≥2,43 61
≥4,02 ≥2,41 60
≥3,98 ≥2,39 59
≥3,94 ≥2,37 58
≥3,91 ≥2,34 57
≥3,87 ≥2,32 56
≥3,83 ≥2,30 55
≥3,79 ≥2,28 54
≥3,76 ≥2,26 53
≥3,72 ≥2,23 52
≥3,68 ≥2,21 51
≥3,65 ≥2,19 50
≥3,61 ≥2,17 49
≥3,57 ≥2,15 48
≥3,54 ≥2,12 47
≥3,50 ≥2,10 46
≥3,46 ≥2,08 45
≥3,42 ≥2,05 44
≥3,37 ≥2,03 43
≥3,33 ≥2,00 42
≥3,29 ≥1,97 41
≥3,24 ≥1,95 40
≥3,20 ≥1,92 39
≥3,15 ≥1,89 38
≥3,11 ≥1,86 37
≥3,07 ≥1,84 36
≥3,02 ≥1,81 35
≥2,98 ≥1,78 34
≥2,93 ≥1,76 33
≥2,89 ≥1,73 32
≥2,85 ≥1,70 31
≥2,80 ≥1,68 30
≥2,76 ≥1,65 29
≥2,71 ≥1,62 28
≥2,67 ≥1,59 27
≥2,63 ≥1,57 26
≥2,58 ≥1,54 25
≥2,54 ≥1,51 24
≥2,49 ≥1,49 23
≥2,43 ≥1,47 22
≥2,37 ≥1,44 21
≥2,30 ≥1,42 20
≥2,24 ≥1,40 19
≥2,18 ≥1,38 18
≥2,12 ≥1,36 17
≥2,05 ≥1,34 16
≥1,99 ≥1,32 15
≥1,93 ≥1,30 14
≥1,86 ≥1,28 13
≥1,80 ≥1,26 12
≥1,74 ≥1,23 11
≥1,67 ≥1,21 10
≥1,61 ≥1,19 9
≥1,55 ≥1,17 8
≥1,49 ≥1,15 7
≥1,42 ≥1,13 6
≥1,36 ≥1,11 5
≥1,30 ≥1,09 4
≥1,23 ≥1,07 3
≥1,17 ≥1,05 2
≥1,11 ≥1,02 1
≥1,00 ≥1,00 0

Equal score rules

If two or more applicants share the same total score, based on the grades of common units and the weighted average, the rank order of applicants is resolved according to the following equal score rules:

  1. Order of preferred study programmes

  2. Weighted average of qualification

  3. 3. Grades of common units of the qualification:
    I. Communication and interaction competence
    II. Skills in mathematics and natural sciences

    If, for example, two applicants have received 100 points each and they both have the same order of preferred study programmes, the applicant with the better grade in Communication and interaction competence will be selected. If both applicants have the same grade in Communication and interaction competence, the grade in Skills in mathematics and natural sciences is taken into consideration.

  4. Overfilling/underfilling/drawing lots
    If the previous criteria cannot draw the line between applicants with equal score, the university of applied sciences may select all applicants with equal score or none of them, or the system may draw lots for selecting the student/students. The universities of applied sciences have determined in their selection criteria their procedure for overfilling/underfilling/drawing lots.

Minimum score

  • The study programme available for application may have a set minimum score, meaning the minimum total score of the sum of scored subjects that the applicant has to reach in order to be selected.
  • Please check the possible minimum score in the table of study programmes available for application using certificate-based selection.

Threshold criteria

  • The study programme available for application may have a set threshold criterion, meaning that a certain subject and/or grade has a criterion the applicant has to meet in order to be selected.
    • For example, a criterion for Mathematics advanced syllabus C/basic syllabus E means that every applicant has to meet the set criterion in order to be selected to the study programme on the basis of the applicant’s certificate, regardless of the total score.
  • Please check the possible threshold criteria in the table of study programmes available for application using certificate-based selection.

Language requirements

All applicants of the University of Applied Sciences’ Bachelor’s programmes, including native speakers of English, must demonstrate their English language proficiency. Details on the accepted methods for proving language proficiency are available on this site. Be sure to review the requirements carefully.

To be selected through the certificate-based selection method on matriculation examination and vocational upper secondary qualification, applicants must prove their English language skills.

Please attach the required document to your Studyinfo application on 29 January 2025 at 15:00 Finnish time (UTC/GMT+2) at the latest.

Applicants with competence-based qualifications

Vocational upper secondary qualifications completed as competence-based qualifications are not taken into account in certificate-based selection. An applicant with a competence-based qualification may apply through an entrance exam or on the basis of previous higher education studies.

Applicants with dual qualifications

Applicants with dual qualifications are included in certificate-based selection, both on the basis of matriculation examination and vocational upper secondary qualification. In the matriculation examination certificate-based selection, the score is determined on the basis of the matriculation examination, and in the vocational upper secondary qualification certificate-based selection, the score is determined on the basis of the vocational upper secondary qualification. The scores of matriculation examination and vocational upper secondary qualification cannot be combined. Please note the conditions of certificate-based selection relating to the year of completion of vocational upper secondary qualification.

Applicants who have completed two upper secondary qualifications

If you have completed two different vocational upper secondary qualifications or both a matriculation examination and a vocational upper secondary qualification, certificate-based selection is made separately on the basis of each of them. Your score for the selection is calculated on the basis of the qualifications you have notified for certificate-based selection. Please note the conditions of certificate-based selection relating to the year of completion of vocational upper secondary qualification.
