International UAS Exam, example questions

You can familiarize yourself with the example questions of the International UAS exam in the exam system view. Through the links below, you can see how example questions of each section look like in the exam system view. You can also test the exam system calculator in the exam system view. The calculator will be used in the sections of mathematical skills and advanced mathematical skills, and you can test how it works by completing the example questions of those sections.

International UAS Exam will be completed by applicants’ own computers. We recommend that you use the same device for familiarizing yourself with the example questions. Please make sure that your device and browser meet the hardware requirements.

Please note that the example questions do not cover all contents that will be assessed in the exam. Response time and the number of questions per section in the exam system view is different from the actual exam. Please familiarize yourself with the section ‘exam sections, duration and scoring’.

Instructions for applicants using a screen reader programme

Example questions in the exam system view may include, for example, images or mathematical notations. Therefore, not all example questions are accessible with a screen reader programme. If you want to familiarize yourself with the example questions with a screen reader programme, we recommend you to take a look at the English language, reasoning skills or ethical skills example questions. The exam system calculator is not accessible with a screen reader programme. You can use, for example, the function calculator of the operating system of your own device.

The questions of the exam may include, for example, images or mathematical notations. If you use a screen reader programme and need an accessible exam content, you can apply for it on the basis of you application for individual arrangements.

An accessible exam of an applicant using a screen reader programme does not contain images and its mathematical notations are based on notations used in Luetus books and programmes.

Reasoning skills 

Familiarize yourself with reasoning skills example questions in the exam system view

Example question 1

Corrrect answer: Maya, Ben, Alina, Kevin, Frans

Example question 2

Corrrect answer: 21

English language skills 

Familiarize yourself with English language skills example questions in the exam system view

Part A

Example question A1

Corrrect answer: prediction

Example question A2

Corrrect answer: ignore

Part B

Example question B1

Corrrect answer: than 

Example question B2

Corrrect answer: whether

Example question B3

Corrrect answer: who

Example question B4

Corrrect answer: are based

Example question B5

Corrrect answer: that

Mathematical skills

Familiarize yourself with mathematical skills example questions in the exam system view

Example question 1

Corrrect answer: None of these

Example question 2

Corrrect answer: 4x - 24

Advanced mathematical skills

Familiarize yourself with advanced mathematical skills example questions in the exam system view

Example question 1

Corrrect answer: 5 litres

Example question 2

Corrrect answer: 3 000 years

Ethical skills 

Familiarize yourself with ethical skills example questions in the exam system view

Example question 1

Corrrect answer: Jack does not want to tell other group members what his diagnosis is.

Example question 2

Corrrect answer: You don’t want to lie to Pete.

Emotional intelligence skills

Familiarize yourself with emotional intelligence skills example questions in the exam system view

Example question 1

Corrrect answer: happy

Example question 2

Corrrect answer: content