International UAS Exam is used for the first time in spring 2022. Due to diffculty level of the exam, the minimum pass scores of the first phase written exam have been amended (18 February 2022) in the following sections:
Reasoning skills
- The original minimum pass score was 5 points. The final minimum pass score is 2 points.
English language
- The original minimum pass score was 7 points. The final minimum pass score is 4 points.
Mathematical skills
- The original minimum pass score was 5 points. The final minimum pass score is 2 points.
Ethical skills
- The original minimum pass score was 8 points. The final minimum pass score is 2 points.
All eligible applicants who have passed the first phase written exam will be invited to the second phase. The second phase group interviews will be organised on 2–16 March 2022.